Friday 31 July 2020


    Today we are going to draw a beautiful drawing of a brother and sister, sister tieing a Rakhi and brother giving a surprise gift to his sister meeting evening in a garden.

Thing's required
  • Drawing sheet
  • Pencil
  • Oil pastels
  • Black color gel pen
  • Whitener
  • Tissue paper
Steps to draw
1.Take a drawing sheet and draw the borders. 
2.Draw the inner semi circle with light blue color,
next with Persian blue and black color.
3.Draw the ground with medium yellow,light brown and dark brown color.
4.Blend the color's with tissue paper.
5.Draw the outline of the brother and sister.
6.Draw the tree's with black color.

7.Fill the brother and sister with black color.
8.Draw the grass with black and flowers of the trees with whitener.


    Today we are going to draw a lady doing meditation in the early morning, finding inner peace. She is sitting on a rock and the creepers hanging with beautiful flower's around. 
Thing's needed
  • Drawing sheet
  • Pencil
  • Oil pastels
  • Black color gel pen
  • Whitener
  • Tissue paper

  • Take a drawing sheet and draw the outline of the diagram with pencil.
  • Draw the inner circle part with lemon yellow color.
  • Draw the next circular part with light green color.
  • Next draw the another circular part with light blue color. 

  • Draw the last circular part with Persian blue.

  • Blend the color's with your finger or tissue paper. 
  • Draw the rock with back color.
  • Draw the creepers with dark blue color.
  • Draw the outline of the lady with black color gel pen.
  • Fill the lady with black color oil pastel.
  • Fill the circular part in lady with white color.
  • At last draw the flower's with whitener.

Thursday 30 July 2020


    Today we are going to paint a beautiful couple spending time together in a boat, They are enjoying the boat ride in a lake. Far away from the city in the clear water's watching the scenic beauty of the trees on a peaceful day.

    Grab your brushes and paints and Let's enjoy the joy of painting.
Things required
  • Drawing sheet
  • Painting brushes
  • Acrylic paints
  • Water jar
  • Masking tape 
Steps to paint
  • Take a drawing sheet and stick the masking tape to the four borders.
  • Draw the outline of the trees and lake.
  • Paint the sky with blue mixed with white color.
  • Paint the trees with sap green and lemon yellow color's.
  • Paint some more trees with orange,brown and pink color's.
  • Highlight the trees with white color.
  • Draw the lake with Persian blue,white,black colors, dragging the brush downwards. 
  • Now draw the shadow of the trees in water with sap green, red,orange and yellow color's
  • Draw the outline of the boat with white color.
  • Paint the boat with Persian blue and white color.
  • Paint the boy with white mixed blue color.
  • Paint the girl with pink color.
  • Highlight the lake water's with white.
  • Sign your painting 
  • Remove the masking tape Paint some detail's clouds and bird's, our beautiful painting is ready.


       Today we are going to prepare easy, delicious, creamy & flavorful Dum Aloo.      Dum aloo is one of the classic Indian dishes ser...