Friday 31 July 2020


    Today we are going to draw a lady doing meditation in the early morning, finding inner peace. She is sitting on a rock and the creepers hanging with beautiful flower's around. 
Thing's needed
  • Drawing sheet
  • Pencil
  • Oil pastels
  • Black color gel pen
  • Whitener
  • Tissue paper

  • Take a drawing sheet and draw the outline of the diagram with pencil.
  • Draw the inner circle part with lemon yellow color.
  • Draw the next circular part with light green color.
  • Next draw the another circular part with light blue color. 

  • Draw the last circular part with Persian blue.

  • Blend the color's with your finger or tissue paper. 
  • Draw the rock with back color.
  • Draw the creepers with dark blue color.
  • Draw the outline of the lady with black color gel pen.
  • Fill the lady with black color oil pastel.
  • Fill the circular part in lady with white color.
  • At last draw the flower's with whitener.

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