Thursday 30 July 2020


    Today we are going to paint a beautiful couple spending time together in a boat, They are enjoying the boat ride in a lake. Far away from the city in the clear water's watching the scenic beauty of the trees on a peaceful day.

    Grab your brushes and paints and Let's enjoy the joy of painting.
Things required
  • Drawing sheet
  • Painting brushes
  • Acrylic paints
  • Water jar
  • Masking tape 
Steps to paint
  • Take a drawing sheet and stick the masking tape to the four borders.
  • Draw the outline of the trees and lake.
  • Paint the sky with blue mixed with white color.
  • Paint the trees with sap green and lemon yellow color's.
  • Paint some more trees with orange,brown and pink color's.
  • Highlight the trees with white color.
  • Draw the lake with Persian blue,white,black colors, dragging the brush downwards. 
  • Now draw the shadow of the trees in water with sap green, red,orange and yellow color's
  • Draw the outline of the boat with white color.
  • Paint the boat with Persian blue and white color.
  • Paint the boy with white mixed blue color.
  • Paint the girl with pink color.
  • Highlight the lake water's with white.
  • Sign your painting 
  • Remove the masking tape Paint some detail's clouds and bird's, our beautiful painting is ready.

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